Immerse yourself in the intricate and variant portfolio of Daib.Art, consisting of works done by Mr. Daibo Il.
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Intricate: Syntax
Being the second and larger piece in the intricate series, Syntax is a galaxy of lines and spaces that collide to form a beautiful and detailed image with every inch of the work being a piece of art in its own right.

Intricate: Intricate
The first of the 2 pieces currently under the intricate series, intricate is the first full bodied intricate work by Mr. Daibo II. It embodies the essence of his works and is the inception and birth of his journey to realising his artistic style and approach.

The venom in his eyes and constriction of his tongue hold criticism for the reprimanding of nations.

Labyrinth: Dogma
Dogma, the first piece of the Labyrinth series. This piece shows an evolution in style and a prolific command of expression by Mr. Daibo II. With the use of pointism and geometry, he is able to bring a character to life that embodies his style and yet is distinct from anything he had ever done.

Labyrinth: Cyclops
The one eyed inspector. Cyclops (who I have been told looks like a dog when the image is rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise, and I agree) is a part of the Labyrinth series. An observer, an informant and a watchman. This piece is slightly ominous, the patterns are simple yet assertive. Conveying calm and strength simultaneously

Labyrinth: Memento
The memorable guardian. Memento embodies care and consideration, safety and comfort. The combination of lines and dots allow for a breathable piece that is intricate but not overwhelming or intimidating.

Daystar cumulates the simplicity and intricacy of Mr. Daibo II's works. The star above, engulfed in space, hovering over the intricate earth beneath. A body filled with many dimensions, lines, planes and stories. It is the story of the earth and the sun.

Manifesting duality in a single entity. This piece flows from nearly symmetric to mirrored opposites. Densely rich in detail, Mr. Daibo II uses the full extent of his prowess to embellish this beautiful piece.

Labyrinth: Sentinel
Sentinel took me quite a while. One of my most detailed pieces, it has many variables to to use of lines, space and dots. capturing the profile of a man in a way, never before seen.

Labyrinth: Robin
Another labyrinth, Robin is a take on the hooded hero to the poor, Robinhood. This hooded character is soft, yet bold, as expressed with the use of curves, dots and lines.

Labyrinth: Principal
The principal principality. Striking an intimidating figure with a heavy presence, this piece draws attention with the heavy use of dark space and its unorthodox shape.

Car concept 01.

Car concept 02.

Car concept 03.

Man in a shell.

Labyrinth: Armada
Armada is the assault fleet, he is the enforcer of good will. Breaking through the lines of darkness, he brings the light, the truth, the salvation. Feared by the unjust, loved by the oppressed.

Labyrinth: Ardent
Ardent is a passionate defender and honorable guardian. A part of the Labyrinth series, Ardent joins the company of other characters developed by Mr. Daibo II with intricate detail and unique personality.

All seeing. All knowing.

Fat Grumpy Cat. Right?

Malice: Jester
The malicious jester. Jesting at your expense, whispering your flaws in your ears with a smile on his face. Reminding you of the things you'd rather forget. Making fun of your pain.

The bird is free, but the wings tell a different story.

Labyrinth: Omega
Omega, he's king. He decides, he puts and end to all. He is in control. So he sits, lays back, with the aura of dominion and power. The epitome of balance.

Doesn't he look like a McAvoy?

Lacking expressive tendencies

Sleepy eyes

Curious, but not excited.

Orbital satellite to a planet that exists in the plane of your mind's eye.

Crystallised infinite goblet housing the elixir of love.

Paralytic hypnosis. The only way to break free is a paradigm shift.

Pyramid Scheme
A floating pyramid with a power core. This drawing is one of the more geometric pieces in the portfolio. It is also the only symmetric piece from Mr. Daibo II.

The Herder
Leader of the herd, protector of the sheep and ruler of the staff.

Mr. Daibo II's artistic portrayal of shattered glass.

Spacial expression of whimsicality with lines, dots and space.

This is a depiction of a Sphinx head as a trophy.

This work is a representation of the lines, dots and spaces that feed the stream of life that flows through all things in the known universe

Mr. Daibo II's artistic portrayal of a tornado in isolation

Zion, a city in the sky.

The steps to Heaven's gate are paved with sacrifice and the denial of self for the establishment of perfect righteousness with Love. The foundations are fundamental, but the results are purely mesmeric.

As one of the simpler pieces in the portfolio, Rotary is simple blend of an inclined plane and a pulley in an interesting twist.

A glimpse of what it would look like if Mr. Daibo II designed Adire (Yoruba Tie and Dye).

One of the few colored drawings, Were is a sigil of royalty. Bold, proud and without compromise.

Building blocks on rocky ground. Go against the grain.

An unbalanced structure filled with polarity and dichotomy. On what basis should it stand?

Unfinished business. Untitled victim.